Remember These Things When You Break Up

Break Up

If you go through a breakup and you are struggling to be happy, here are some things you need to remember about the breakup:

  • You had good reasons to break up. There were lots of fights and tears.
  • The reasons are still there even if you miss them. Don’t forget the bad things that happened.
  • Feeling bad is hard but you need to embrace your feelings and let them flow.
  • Feel free to go out and drink for a week. Do whatever you can to feel good for a while.
  • Eat some unhealthy foods like ice cream and chips.
  • Tears will come, allow yourself to be sad and to heal.
  • It is okay to cry even when you are in public. Go out with friends so that you can cry to them and feel better.
  • If they dumped you, they didn’t deserve you. Find someone that wants to be with you.
  • If you dumped them, don’t forget that breakups are hard no matter who ends it.
  • Don’t want to get back together with them. You broke up for a reason, move on.
  • Even if your family and friends loved him, you are going to get over him and they have too as well.
  • Being single is fun and you can do all kinds of new things.
  • Going out on the rebound can distract you and be fun, but it can make you feel even worse.
  • Make sure you shower and put some makeup on so you will feel better.
  • Be productive while you heal. Do whatever you didn’t do when you were with your ex.
  • Be sure that you are not boring and go out with your friends.
  • Therapy is not a bad thing and will not make you a bad person.
  • The sadness will fade as time goes on, even though it doesn’t feel like it.
  • Stop looking at their social media and move on. You do not need to know what they are doing, who they are dating and what their family is doing.
  • If your ex starts dating someone, don’t compare yourself to them. You are the best you can be, and they are not you.
  • You can go outside in sweatpants if you want to.
  • Don’t let people control what emotions that you have.
  • Be your own self. If you are sad, be sad.
  • Learn to have fun without someone else.
  • Find new hobbies.
  • Remember that you can find someone new, whenever you are ready to.
  • Remember to be the best that you can be and show the world that you are strong and that you are brave.
  • The feelings that you are having right now will eventually fade and your life will feel better, and you will be happy again.


  1. The article is well-structured and provides a logical sequence of steps to help someone deal with a breakup. Its focus on self-improvement and future happiness is particularly encouraging for those going through such a tough experience.

  2. This piece of writing offers a thoughtful exploration of the emotional aftermath of a breakup. It stresses the importance of processing emotions and seeking support, which aligns well with psychological principles.

  3. The article provides balanced advice on how to navigate post-breakup emotions. It acknowledges the difficulty of the situation while offering practical steps to move forward, such as engaging in new activities and seeking therapy.

  4. What stands out in this article is its holistic approach to handling breakups. It not only suggests ways to cope with the sadness but also encourages individuals to rediscover themselves and embrace new opportunities.

  5. The advice given in the article is comprehensive and covers a wide range of feelings and behaviors one might experience after a breakup. It emphasizes self-care and personal growth, which are crucial during such emotional times.