Leaving a Relationship for Good

Leaving a Relationship for Good

Most relationships aren’t going to be as good as the movies, but a good relationship means that there will be both ups and downs. Staying in a relationship in the good and the bad times might mean that you have to work harder to make it work but in the end it could be worth it.

Of course, there are reasons that you should end a relationship for the good. Ther might be a time where you no longer have a spark for your partner, and this could be concerning. We always hear people talking about when to start a relationship but how do you know when to leave the relationship for good?

Is it Time to Leave?

Knowing when to leave a relationship for the good can be hard. If you are always unhappy and you don’t feel that you have good communication, the same goals or values or there is abuse, it’s time to end it.

Not being able to trust your partner and seeing that the problems are never solved could be a big sign that the relationship needs to end. Intimacy is another big one, when it’s gone, sometimes the relationship might be over.

Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Once you see that the relationship needs to come to an end, ending it and leaving isn’t always easy. Leaving a relationship takes guts and even if you aren’t sure what to do next, knowing that it’s time to leave is enough.

Being afraid of being alone or being afraid of what might come next often keeps people in bad relationships. You have to figure out what your worth is and realize that you deserve to be happy. Sometimes you will need family and friends to support you, or you might even need to talk to a counselor.

Signs the Relationship is Over

Here are some signs the relationship is probably over:

  • No Communication

When you aren’t able to talk to your partner without them being rude and unreasonable, this is a bad sign.

  • Feeling Frustrated

You should never constantly feel frustrated with someone that you love. This can be a sign that there is constant tensions.

  • No Connection

You might not have an emotional connection with your partner, and this can lead to a lack of intimacy.

  • Misaligned Goals

If your goals and your plans of creating a future together no longer exists, the relationship might almost be over.

  • Neglect

When there is a sign of neglect and you don’t want to spend time together, the relationship is probably ending.

When to Leave a Relationship for Good

Do you feel that your relationship is unhappy, and you feel that you need to leave it? Knowing when to leave the relationship at the right time is important. Get out before it’s too late.

  • Toxic Relationships

Everything will probably be great at the beginning and then there should be some ups and downs. This is normal. But when there are more downs than ups, this might be a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships have a red flag and if you feel stressed all the time, you might need to leave.

  • Weak Foundation

Trust and loyalty are important and without them it can mean there is a weak foundation. No dishonest relationship means a good foundation, and this can be a sign that you need to leave the relationship. Having a weak foundation is not a good foundation for a long-term relationship. Talk to your partner and see what they say.

  • Past Situations

It is important to leave your past behind and when you love your partner, you shouldn’t be thinking about the past. You should be looking towards a good future together. Sometimes though when you fall out of love, you find yourself missing your past life.

Look at your relationship and see why you keep looking at your past and if it’s time to get out.

  • You Are Undervalued

If you don’t feel valued in your relationship, then you might not be wanted. This happens when you’re with someone that you shouldn’t be with. They might think that they are better than you. The longer you stay the less self-confidence you will have.

  • Abuse

You should never stay in a relationship where there is any kind of abuse. You should leave this kind of relationship and you should get the help that you need.

When someone loves and respects you, they won’t hurt you and they will support you. Any kind of abuse such as physical, emotional or any other kind can mean that the love is over.

  • Outrageous Expectations

Setting expectations is important and when there are expectations in a relationship then this is good. But when the expectations are not reachable, it can cause the relationship to fail. This can cause you to suffocate with each other and to be unreasonable towards each other.

  • You Think Your Actions are Right

Fighting is normal in a relationship but when you feel that you are constantly having to justify yourself, you might have too many differences.

  • No Effort

Both partners need to be putting in effort to make a relationship last. When there is no effort, your partner might not love you like you need to be loved. When you aren’t supporting each other emotionally or physically, it can be a sign that the relationship needs to end.

  • No Growth

Another problem is when there is no individual growth. You should both be growing as individuals and as a couple. When this isn’t happening, it means that one of you is giving up too much and this is unhealthy.

  • Cheating

If you or your partner have been cheating on each other then it might be time to leave the relationship.

  • You Want to Be Single

It can be normal to think about what life was like when you were single but if you are constantly thinking and missing being single then it can be hard to be with your partner. These feelings will cause the relationship to end.

  • No Communication

Communication is a bridge to any relationship and when you aren’t able to communicate with your partner then the relationship might have changed and there might not be real love.

  • No Love

As love leaves a relationship then you will no longer feel an effort to show each other love. This can make the relationship feel hopeless. If you feel disconnected from your partner and you both stop showing each other love, it is important to see this as a red flag.

  • You Don’t Want to Spend Time Together

If you would rather spend time with your friends or spend time alone than with your partner, this is a sign that the relationship might be over.

  • Incompatibility

Even though opposites attract, there should be some things that you are compatible with each other. The differences can be there, but you should share the same values and goals and you should be on the same page for the future. If you aren’t, consider moving on.

Final Thoughts

Leaving a relationship can be really hard but it might be time to end the relationship if any of the above is going on. It’s never too late to leave a relationship and you should find happiness in yourself and your partner. If that is no longer there, you should address the problems and then leave.

A toxic relationship can get you down and if there is manipulation or if your partner doesn’t respect you, you need to trust your gut and leave the relationship. Don’t try to save a relationship where there is no love or respect. If there is a chance that love and respect is still there and you can talk through things, there might still be a chance, but this requires effort on both parts.

Relationships can be hard and sometimes you will find someone that brings out the best in you but sometimes its completely opposite. If you aren’t in a good place with your partner, leave before you lose yourself. Don’t let the relationship kill your soul and find someone else before you get in too deep.